Bhajan songs for Kumbh Mela[2.9 sun]
From Overseas India is a Hindi program on FM COCOLO broadcasting every Sunday morning from 5 to 6 A.M. hosted by DJ Sunny Francis.
It is in the middle of 2025 Prayag Maha Kumbh Mela. That is a Hindu pilgrimage festival celebrating a full orbital revolution of Jupiter around the Sun. Scheduled from 13 January to 26 February, the fesival is the world’s largest gathering, with an estimated 400 to 450 million visitors.
In this week's edition of the program, Sunny picks-up religious songs by Anup Jalota. The genre of songs we play today is called "Bhajan", that refers to any devotional song with a religious theme or spiritual ideas, specifically among Dharmic religions, in any language. The term bhajan is also commonly used to refer a group event, with one or more lead singers, accompanied with music, and sometimes dancing.
The sound of Bhajan is perfect for early Sunday morning...!
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Voice only program on Spotify:
Playlist of the week on Spotify: